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Travelodge Hotel - Eastleigh Central

Eastleigh, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

Our Eastleigh Central hotel has the train station on one side and the cafes, parks and shops of Eastleigh town centre on the other.

Our Eastleigh Central hotel has the train station on one side and the cafes, parks and shops of Eastleigh town centre on the other. This quaint railway town has a number of attractions including the relaxed Lakeside Country Park. Take a ride through the Hamble Valley countryside on a steam railway, or take in some live entertainment at The Point. If you're wanting to browse for bargains, head to the Swan shopping centre. All rooms feature a comfy king size bed with four plump pillows and a cosy duvet. Guests can enjoy a wide variety of food and drink choices within easy walking distance from this hotel. Useful information Due to the central location of this hotel, some external noise may be heard.

Karte von Travelodge Hotel - Eastleigh Central


Travelodge Hotel - Eastleigh Central

Southampton Rd, Hampshire, Eastleigh SO50 9FJ, UK

SO50 9FJ

Eastleigh, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

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